Wednesday, March 30, 2011

New Blog is Up!

My new blog has finally been created! It's still in the works though...
Come visit me when you get a chance -

Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Oh, what a difference green makes!

Last weekend I went with a friend and her family to the opening round of the NCAA men's basketball tournament in Tulsa. I knew it would be a challenge eating even remotely healthy on the first day because we would be there from about 10:00 am to 10:00 pm. It was even harder than I thought! The only vegetarian items available were so unhealthy. I did take my trail mix and had that, but I needed I indulged. I felt so gross soon after a cheese nachos encounter. (I think that "cheese" is just some chemical goo...blech!) I can't even remember now what all I ate throughout the weekend, but it was NOT healthy while at the BOK Center! We did eat out one night and had a really great meal with good protein and veggies, and we had healthy snacks at my friend's place so it wasn't a total bust. The high point was when I found that Quik Trip carries Green Juice by the brand Naked, which is all nature. I was so excited to have some green juice again! Yummy! That's all I had yesterday until about 2:30 pm.

I've strayed quite a bit since the cleanse ended and have only gained back three pounds. I honestly thought it would be worse after this weekend...I had already gained two by then. But starting today at lunch I'm pretty much cleansing again for a week or so. It's really telling when your body feels so different eating a primarily vegan diet as opposed to making allowances for cheese, cheese and more cheese. I'm ready to be green again!

Tuesday, March 8, 2011

New Blog

For those of you asking (and thanks for doing so!), I will continue to blog. I'm actually working with someone to start a new blog, which will contain more than just diet and exercise content (and won't resemble a journal!). However, I will continue to post here from time to time in the Post-Cleanse section until then.

New Focus

A little post-cleanse update...

As I mentioned, I'm continuing to do what I've been doing over the past three weeks for the majority of the time (so far, all the's only been 1 1/2 days). So, now that I've got a handle on what to eat, I'm ready to focus more on exercise. While on the cleanse I started getting stronger and a bit more flexible with yoga, which I will continue (as I believe it is the most complete exercise), but I'm ready to start running again and I'd like to do some more strength training. When more of your body is composed of muscle, as opposed to fat, your BMR (basal metabolic rate) is higher all the time, so you burn more calories just being alive. The best shape I've ever been in was my first couple of years of college when I lifted weights 5-6 days a week. But I really miss running, especially at longer distances where it becomes almost meditative. In 2008 I ran two half-marathons (6 weeks apart!) and felt such a sense of accomplishment from those. I didn't even train properly for them...I just imagine how I would feel if I had. Today, I'm going to devise a workout schedule including a mixture of yoga, running and strength training (in the form of my P90X videos - only the strength ones). I'm ready to see some body parts tighten up a bit. :)

Last night I started reading a book I recently bought about being happy without being perfect and I'm pleased to say that I've (inadvertently) already taken steps to do that via the cleanse. I still have some work to do, but I'm going to put some of the practices to the test in the next few weeks as I increase exercise. I'm going to focus on progress and take pride in each step, even baby steps. Part of getting over perfection requires catching yourself in a negative, most-likely unrealistic thought...such as "if I eat this cookie, I will blow everything and get fat." Obviously that's not true, but too many of us do that all-or-nothing thinking. My other favorite is when I focus on the one mistake rather that all the good - ex. say I've worked out 5 days in a row and miss a day, and start verbally abusing myself for doing so, instead of focusing on all the progress made in the 5 workouts and simply getting back to it the next day. I know I'm not the only one that does this, but I'm the only one I have to live with day in and day out. :)

Sunday, March 6, 2011

Day 21

Well, here it is...the last day of my Adventure Cleanse!


I've lost 2 more pounds - that's 12 total! (I like the 12 in 21 days inverse number thing.) I've lost a total of 2 inches off of the biggest part of my lower abdomen and a little over 2 inches off of my belly (at belly button level).


I had green juice up until around 2:30, then I had a snack of mango salsa with baked corn chips and a little bit of vegan mock chicken salad. For dinner I made the same vegan pizza I had last night and a side salad.


Over the last couple of days I've shared a lot of what this cleanse has done for me. It's truly changed my life. It's changed my way of thinking about food and about my body. It's given me a sense of peace and confidence and self-love that I was afraid I might never find. It's been about so much more than simply changing eating habits. The Crazy Sexy Diet, which I'm adopting wholeheartedly, is all-encompassing and has led me to start my own research regarding several different subjects - the nutrition/disease relationship, different types of yoga and meditation, and several other self-care topics. I actually bought several vegan recipe books today. I can't wait to get in the kitchen and create some delicious meals!
I honestly do feel like I'm at the beginning of an adventure...just because the cleanse is technically over doesn't mean the adventure is! Quite the opposite. I can't wait to see where this takes me, but more importantly I plan to relish every step of the journey and do my best to live in each present moment. The Crazy Sexy lifestyle isn't restrictive or full of ultimatums - it's a do your best mentality and learn to enjoy each moment. No guilt! Drinks with friends, enjoying certain foods only every once in a while, go for it. Do what's best for you (and believe me your body will let you know if you learn to pay close attention to it). Every moment has something to offer and an all-or-nothing attitude is way too limiting for this redhead! Early in the book, Kris addresses this and how counterproductive it is to feel bad about straying from the new, healthier norm from time to time, that perfection is not the goal. "Perfect is beige. I'm red hot!" Me too Kris! Thanks for the reminder!

If you've followed this from the beginning, thanks for sharing in my adventure! I sincerely hope you find the journey that's best for you and I wish you vibrant health!

Peace, love and veggies!

Saturday, March 5, 2011

Day 20


139 lbs bitches! (Mom – that’s an endearing term in this context.) :) Woohoo! Finally! The bad news is that I woke up very stopped up with a sinus headache. I had 4 green apple slices with a teaspoon of almond butter so that I could take some medicine. That’s kind of disappointing since I haven’t had to take my sinus meds in a little over a week. Still, that’s the longest I’ve gone without those meds in years! I continued with my morning routine despite the headache. I actually did more meditation than normal – 15 minutes, guided – 10 minutes of which was focused on the body healing itself and the remaining 5 on self-love. I also took a hot shower after lemon/cayenne water, morning pages, neti pot, meditation and dry brushing. That helped…I made it really hot! I was out of a lot of green juice supplies and would be busy for most of the day doing UIL grading again, so I packed up some apples, gluten free crackers and trail mix to take for the day. As soon as I got to the school (around 10:45), I had one of the apples. Oh yeah, I got some “real” coffee earlier this morning since caffeine helps with migraines, which I was afraid my headache was trying to become. Thankfully it didn't. By the time I got to the school it had subsided.


We were provided boxed lunches again at the UIL competition – a veggie sandwich. I ate that, but gave away the chips and cookie and had my nut thin crackers instead. I love that the two people I grade with also have the vegetarian lunch!


I had a bit of my homemade trail mix...that stuff is so good! I'll be making that forever!


Once the day of grading was complete, I headed straight to Whole Foods to get stocked up. I truly love that place! I get a sense of calm and happiness as soon as I walk in the doors. Anyway, I stocked up on all my veggies as well as some new vegan foods to try throughout the week. I may branch out a bit this week with some new options. Technically tomorrow is the last day of my cleanse, but I'm going to continue this lifestyle as the norm, creating room for exceptions. Weekdays especially will be very similar to what I've done over the past 3 weeks, probably 90% so, and weekends will still consist primarily of my new ways with room for exceptions if situations arise that I wish to be vegetarian instead of vegan or eat gluten or have wine or whatever. The point is this cleanse has pointed me in the direction of a lifestyle that I was meant to live. I've never been more certain of anything. I've started doing more and more research regarding the relationship between disease and nutrition, and the evidence is overwhelmingly in favor of a plant-based diet, especially an organic one, and even more so one that is primarily raw (including juicing). Knowledge is power and I am gaining it in this subject area and will continue to do so, as it completely fascinates me and I'm very passionate about it. I don't know where it will lead me in life, but I think there's something there for me...
This was all confirmed as I watched a documentary called The Beautiful Truth, about The Gerson Therapy - a highly successful alternative cancer therapy that has been healing cancer patients since the 1940's, including those sent away from the Mayo Clinic to die. Not surprising, his therapy includes primarily a raw, organic, plant-based diet...and strangely enough coffee enemas. I know! Sounds crazy right?! Try telling that to all the patients that are still alive!
While watching the doc, I enjoyed an Amy's gluten free pizza with non-dairy cheese, to which I added green and red bell peppers, shitake mushrooms, black olives, red onion and fresh tomatoes. I also had some mineral water with lime as a mocktail. A couple of hours after dinner, I made 2 ounces of wheatgrass juice and did a couple of shots of that. I've been taking a superfood supplement, but thought I would do the liquid chlorophyll tonight.

I think my evening meditation will be a bit longer than usual. I feel the need to reflect on my health and marinate in gratitude.

Friday, March 4, 2011

Day 19


I slept super late today - a little after 7:00! In my defense, I could NOT fall asleep last night...I was overcome with a sense of excitement! About what exactly I can't be sure...nearly completing the cleanse? Life from here on out? All of it? I don't know...but I do feel like I'm in the early stages of a new beginning...

Had to rush through some of my morning routine...and flat out skipped mediation and morning pages, which I will make up for this evening with a 20 minute guided meditation and doing morning pages as well as some other writing I've been meaning to do.


Another big ole salad! I pretty much emptied the crisper for this one. Topped it off with the kick ass goddess dressing, cracked pepper and vegan parm-like cheese. Had a few gluten free crackers and a couple of dark chocolate squares for dessert. All so yummy!

**I'm hijacking my own post with some ruminations...warning - possible self-indulgent insight ahead.**

For some reason, I'm having a bit of a wave of sadness or sentiment or something at the thought of this being the last weekend of my cleanse. I think it's going to be a weekend of reflection for me, ending with plans for the future. I've learned so much about myself during this time. It's been a much deeper experience than simply changing my eating habits. I think I truly love myself for the first time in my life! I cheesy, you're looking for crackers right now, but the even better thing is - I don't care! I don't care if you think I'm cheesy or corny or sappy or sentimental or whatever! And for me to be able to say that is downright miraculous! I've spent most of my life concerned with how I'm perceived and it's just too much. It's a weight I'm no longer willing to bear. I feel liberated, free! Maybe that was the excitement feeling I had last night. There are several quotes that I've saved and read over and over for a while now and fully believed but only now am experiencing first-hand -

"The more you honor your commitments to yourself, the more you approve of yourself, and the less approval you need from others."

"The highest quality of life comes when you make your own self-approval more important than the approval of others - when you make what's most meaningful to you more important than what others expect of you."

"Resentment doesn't produce much change. And being accountable for meeting your own needs is the most effective way to get them met."

"Feeling guilty is a signal that our image of ourself doesn't match who we really are."

"In order to get where you want to go, you have to know where you are now. Accept yourself, flaws and all, for who you are."

That last one was a bitch! But well worth it! :)

**Hijack over.**


I finished my green juice and had a few Nut thin (ranch flavored) crackers. Those crackers are so freakin' good! I just can't even put it into words! Mmmm!


Power yoga after work. Yoga is such an amazing workout...I'm not sure there's anything as all encompassing as yoga. It's such a great feeling when you can go a little deeper in a stretch than you could the day before or when you hold a balance pose that used have you stumbling. And every day is a little different - some days one hip is tighter than the other or they're both loose but your back is tight or your stronger in one area than's so interesting to me how/where we hold tension in our bodies from day to day.

Dinner - I made gluten free angel hair pasta with extra virgin olive oil, fresh garlic, tomatoes and basil, added some capers, lemon zest and a squeeze of lemon plus vegan parm-like cheese, cracked pepper and a tiny bit of Celtic sea salt. For a side, I (very lightly) sauteed some garlic and onion in extra virgin olive oil and added some red and green bell pepper, cooking for just a couple of minutes on low heat, topped with cracked pepper and a touch of Celtic sea salt. For dessert, I had just a tiny bit (about the size of a quarter) of dried gogi berries and cacao nibs. That all hit the spot after my workout!

Thursday, March 3, 2011

Day 18


OK...I've got stop obsessing about breaking the 140 lb mark! I'm STILL there! Although, the little needle was slightly to the left of the 140 marker...maybe if I had a digital scale it would say 139.5. :) Seriously though, I know the only way to move past this, is to quit wanting and focus on being grateful for all the weight I've lost and for the abundance of health that I'm now experiencing. I know wanting leaves you in a state of want and being grateful attracts more of what you're grateful for (I've experienced this enough times to know...). It's just such a habit of our society and some habits are really hard to break. So, focus has now shifted to being grateful and continuing to cleanse and reap the benefits of doing so.

Morning routine followed except for morning pages. While I went to bed pretty early, the damn dog upstairs started barking about an hour and a half into my sleep. So, I slept until 7:00 this morning. I emailed the apartment manager yesterday about the situation...hopefully she can help.


I splurged on an awesome salad from Whole Foods...such a great salad bar...oh my! I got hungry a little early today. I'm wondering if it's because the last two days I've had harder workouts...not sure. But I'm lovin' the power yoga. Even when it's hard I love it. I almost like it more when I struggle, maybe because I know I'm getting a good workout. I found a good dessert alternative (at least for me) to chocolate, until I loose a few more pounds...sparkling mineral water with lime and stevia. Just like a homemade limeade...almost feels like summer just drinking it. I also bought some Seventh Generation laundry and dishwashing detergent. I promised myself when I ran out of these at home I would switch to all natural products. They have a lavender/blue eucalyptus scented laundry detergent! That's actually kind of funny to me as those are the two essential oils I put in my bath. Speaking of...I also got some jojoba oil to use to make some of my own products at home. I've had a book for a long time called Home Spa, but haven't really done anything but read it. It's actually very cool; it has recipes for at-home spa treatments, including oils that you can wear in place of perfume. I didn't know you're not supposed to place straight essential oil on your skin, which I've done for a few days! You're supposed to mix it with a carrier oil, such as jojoba or sweet almond. Hence, my need for jojoba. Can't wait to concoct my own fragrances, sprays, home! This is something I've wanted to do for years (especially in my herb gardening days)! I used to be really into growing herbs (and miss it dearly). So, this spring, my balcony will be filled with herbs!


We had a late meeting at work - bi-annual thing to review last year and discuss this year - so I didn't get home until a little after 7:00. No yoga tonight. I made a veggie sandwich with a few corn chips and salsa. I'm pretty tired tonight (and it's only 9:00 now). It was a really busy workday; I think my brain is just worn out. :) So, I'm going to dry brush, take a hot bath with essential oils, do some stretching, meditate and call it a night. Green dreams all!

Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Day 17


The scale is toying with me! I'm still at 140 - that's something like 4 days now at the same weight. I'm so ready to break that number! I haven't seen the 130's in so long...I miss them! :)

So, for today I'm banning chocolate (even though I've only eaten tiny amounts thus far) and limiting nuts, avocados, oils, etc...fats (albeit healthy ones). Also, having real coffee this morning in attempt to stimulate my bowels. (Hey, I stated it as least graphically as I could.) I haven't had much elimination in a couple of days, so hopefully that will help. Also, going to have an apple mid-morning to get some fiber. Usually fiber and caffeine get things moving. Here's hoping! Otherwise, morning is business as usual again...


Salad (with the much loved goddess dressing) and miso soup for lunch. The caffeine/fiber combo has helped to stir things up a bit. :) Not quite as much as I'd hoped, but a definite improvement. I barely remember lunch as I got completely sidetracked reading a live blog about the iPad2. :) I'm such an Apple product addict.


I purposely left 16 oz of green juice in my bottle this morning to have this afternoon in hopes of filling me up and leaving room for only a small, crunchy snack. I did that most of the first week and that really helped me keep the afternoon snacks smaller.


Power yoga again. I worked hard during this workout! My legs were shaky afterwards. I can't believe how out-of-shape I let myself get! For someone who was once a personal and athletic trainer, that's just so sad. I have a lot of work to do! I signed up for a 5K in May, so it's time to start running again as well. I need to find a half-marathon later this year...I guess there's always White Rock in December, or DRC in November, or both like I did in 2008.

For dinner, I created the same meatless tostada that I had last night. I was really hungry after my hard workout! Read some more of The China Study, which I've decided should be required reading for anyone with a pulse! :) Dry brushing before a hot bath and meditation before bed...I'm still not very good at meditation, but I'm going to stick with it and hope I get better soon.

Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Day 16


I honestly can't believe I've managed to keep this up for 16 days! It really hasn't been that hard...definitely not as hard as I was expecting. I realize now, I was way overeating prior to this! Even the "healthy" stuff! It's strange how I almost can't start the day without my lemon/cayenne water now, as well as meditation and some stretching. I had my normal 32 ounces of green juice throughout the morning, as well as some chai tea and aloe vera water. Pretty much business as usual...


A glorious salad (of course) with a new dressing - Annie's Goddess dressing...umm, I may have found a new addiction. This stuff is da bomb! I also had the rest of my Mediterranean quinoa. Made a Whole Foods run after I ate and got a cup of decaf coffee to sip on while shopping. I've really been missing coffee. I bought some to keep at home (organic, decaf), but that doesn't help at the office. I'm not anti-caffeine, especially in small amounts and not being dependent on it, and I will likely resume it in that way once I've completed this cleanse.
Here's an interesting note from the documentary, The Beautiful Truth - "The liver is easily overburdened by the continuous release of toxins and is unable to release the load. Dr. Gerson found that he could provide help to the liver by the caffeine in coffee, absorbed from the colon via the hemorrhoidal vein, which carries the caffeine to the portal system and then to the liver. The caffeine stimulates the liver/bile ducts to open, releasing the poisons into the intestinal tract for excretion."


Around 3:30 I had a little of my homemade trail mix. Then around 4:15 I had some gluten free crackers (the ranch flavored nut thins - so yummy!). I might've had a few too many...they're so good! Oops! :)


Power Yoga! I avoided the back stuff that might have caused the problem last week. It was a tough workout, but I'm definitely getting a little stronger and more flexible (for the most part). After working out, dry brushing and a quick shower, I had a friend come over to try some apple/beet juice and watch Annie Hall (one of my favorite movies!). While she had juice, which she loved, I made a tostada kind of meal - corn tortila (basically a broken taco shell) with some guacamole, pico de gallo, lettuce, vegan cheese and salsa verde. So freakin' good! Had a few chips and pico on the side. I had intended to make this with black beans as well, but I was out, so I did a shot of amino acid juice before eating. :) Then we each had 3 bites of dark chocolate. Halfway through the movie I made us some fresh Ginger Ale as a mocktail. Awesome evening - good food and drinks, great movie and wonderful company! Hard to beat that.

Meditation then bed...Green dreams all!