Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Day 17


The scale is toying with me! I'm still at 140 - that's something like 4 days now at the same weight. I'm so ready to break that number! I haven't seen the 130's in so long...I miss them! :)

So, for today I'm banning chocolate (even though I've only eaten tiny amounts thus far) and limiting nuts, avocados, oils, etc...fats (albeit healthy ones). Also, having real coffee this morning in attempt to stimulate my bowels. (Hey, I stated it as least graphically as I could.) I haven't had much elimination in a couple of days, so hopefully that will help. Also, going to have an apple mid-morning to get some fiber. Usually fiber and caffeine get things moving. Here's hoping! Otherwise, morning is business as usual again...


Salad (with the much loved goddess dressing) and miso soup for lunch. The caffeine/fiber combo has helped to stir things up a bit. :) Not quite as much as I'd hoped, but a definite improvement. I barely remember lunch as I got completely sidetracked reading a live blog about the iPad2. :) I'm such an Apple product addict.


I purposely left 16 oz of green juice in my bottle this morning to have this afternoon in hopes of filling me up and leaving room for only a small, crunchy snack. I did that most of the first week and that really helped me keep the afternoon snacks smaller.


Power yoga again. I worked hard during this workout! My legs were shaky afterwards. I can't believe how out-of-shape I let myself get! For someone who was once a personal and athletic trainer, that's just so sad. I have a lot of work to do! I signed up for a 5K in May, so it's time to start running again as well. I need to find a half-marathon later this year...I guess there's always White Rock in December, or DRC in November, or both like I did in 2008.

For dinner, I created the same meatless tostada that I had last night. I was really hungry after my hard workout! Read some more of The China Study, which I've decided should be required reading for anyone with a pulse! :) Dry brushing before a hot bath and meditation before bed...I'm still not very good at meditation, but I'm going to stick with it and hope I get better soon.

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