Thursday, March 3, 2011

Day 18


OK...I've got stop obsessing about breaking the 140 lb mark! I'm STILL there! Although, the little needle was slightly to the left of the 140 marker...maybe if I had a digital scale it would say 139.5. :) Seriously though, I know the only way to move past this, is to quit wanting and focus on being grateful for all the weight I've lost and for the abundance of health that I'm now experiencing. I know wanting leaves you in a state of want and being grateful attracts more of what you're grateful for (I've experienced this enough times to know...). It's just such a habit of our society and some habits are really hard to break. So, focus has now shifted to being grateful and continuing to cleanse and reap the benefits of doing so.

Morning routine followed except for morning pages. While I went to bed pretty early, the damn dog upstairs started barking about an hour and a half into my sleep. So, I slept until 7:00 this morning. I emailed the apartment manager yesterday about the situation...hopefully she can help.


I splurged on an awesome salad from Whole Foods...such a great salad bar...oh my! I got hungry a little early today. I'm wondering if it's because the last two days I've had harder workouts...not sure. But I'm lovin' the power yoga. Even when it's hard I love it. I almost like it more when I struggle, maybe because I know I'm getting a good workout. I found a good dessert alternative (at least for me) to chocolate, until I loose a few more pounds...sparkling mineral water with lime and stevia. Just like a homemade limeade...almost feels like summer just drinking it. I also bought some Seventh Generation laundry and dishwashing detergent. I promised myself when I ran out of these at home I would switch to all natural products. They have a lavender/blue eucalyptus scented laundry detergent! That's actually kind of funny to me as those are the two essential oils I put in my bath. Speaking of...I also got some jojoba oil to use to make some of my own products at home. I've had a book for a long time called Home Spa, but haven't really done anything but read it. It's actually very cool; it has recipes for at-home spa treatments, including oils that you can wear in place of perfume. I didn't know you're not supposed to place straight essential oil on your skin, which I've done for a few days! You're supposed to mix it with a carrier oil, such as jojoba or sweet almond. Hence, my need for jojoba. Can't wait to concoct my own fragrances, sprays, home! This is something I've wanted to do for years (especially in my herb gardening days)! I used to be really into growing herbs (and miss it dearly). So, this spring, my balcony will be filled with herbs!


We had a late meeting at work - bi-annual thing to review last year and discuss this year - so I didn't get home until a little after 7:00. No yoga tonight. I made a veggie sandwich with a few corn chips and salsa. I'm pretty tired tonight (and it's only 9:00 now). It was a really busy workday; I think my brain is just worn out. :) So, I'm going to dry brush, take a hot bath with essential oils, do some stretching, meditate and call it a night. Green dreams all!

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