Sunday, March 6, 2011

Day 21

Well, here it is...the last day of my Adventure Cleanse!


I've lost 2 more pounds - that's 12 total! (I like the 12 in 21 days inverse number thing.) I've lost a total of 2 inches off of the biggest part of my lower abdomen and a little over 2 inches off of my belly (at belly button level).


I had green juice up until around 2:30, then I had a snack of mango salsa with baked corn chips and a little bit of vegan mock chicken salad. For dinner I made the same vegan pizza I had last night and a side salad.


Over the last couple of days I've shared a lot of what this cleanse has done for me. It's truly changed my life. It's changed my way of thinking about food and about my body. It's given me a sense of peace and confidence and self-love that I was afraid I might never find. It's been about so much more than simply changing eating habits. The Crazy Sexy Diet, which I'm adopting wholeheartedly, is all-encompassing and has led me to start my own research regarding several different subjects - the nutrition/disease relationship, different types of yoga and meditation, and several other self-care topics. I actually bought several vegan recipe books today. I can't wait to get in the kitchen and create some delicious meals!
I honestly do feel like I'm at the beginning of an adventure...just because the cleanse is technically over doesn't mean the adventure is! Quite the opposite. I can't wait to see where this takes me, but more importantly I plan to relish every step of the journey and do my best to live in each present moment. The Crazy Sexy lifestyle isn't restrictive or full of ultimatums - it's a do your best mentality and learn to enjoy each moment. No guilt! Drinks with friends, enjoying certain foods only every once in a while, go for it. Do what's best for you (and believe me your body will let you know if you learn to pay close attention to it). Every moment has something to offer and an all-or-nothing attitude is way too limiting for this redhead! Early in the book, Kris addresses this and how counterproductive it is to feel bad about straying from the new, healthier norm from time to time, that perfection is not the goal. "Perfect is beige. I'm red hot!" Me too Kris! Thanks for the reminder!

If you've followed this from the beginning, thanks for sharing in my adventure! I sincerely hope you find the journey that's best for you and I wish you vibrant health!

Peace, love and veggies!

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