Thursday, February 24, 2011

Day 11


Wow! I really slept in this morning - 7:00. (If you know me, that statement is really funny!) I was simply tired, plus it's a rainy day. Maybe getting tired earlier and needing more sleep is my main cleanse symptom. So, I had to skip morning pages, but I covered the rest of my morning routine. Due to the cucumber shortage I had to modify my green drink this I added an apple. It was really good! Apples really cut the green taste - great for newbies. I was looking through the Rawlicious book last night at some of their green juice recipes and I love how they have stages of getting used to the taste. They start with more palatable ones to get you used to it and gradually you can work your way up to juices with darker greens. They also provide tips on how to cut the green taste. I perused the recipes in this book last night before bed and I can tell it's going to be my go-to vegan book. I highly recommend it for anyone even considering dabbling in veganism. Remember, you don't have to go vegan to eat that way part of the time, a lot of the time or even just occasionally. A lot of people seem to have an all or nothing attitude about food, which is just silly to me. Why not try different things and figure out what works best for your body?! Plus it's just fun to be adventurous and branch out - eat a weird sounding veggie you've never heard of. Good times! :)

So as usual, I had juice and decaf tea throughout the morning. Also I took a superfood pill (actually 5 of them!) Amazing Grass makes a really good superfood supplement that I'm going to use on days when I don't have time to juice wheatgrass.


I brought the cilantro, veggie soup I made the other night. I had that and some Wholly Guacamole with celery sticks and a couple of gluten free crackers. Finished it off with some dark chocolate (with a hint of orange).

I made a Whole Foods run and while this store had conventional cucumbers, they were out of organic. So, I guess I'll have to break out the peeler for these. I picked up some cashews and macadamia nuts to make some nut cheeses, for which I now have recipes (I'm sure there are a ton on the Internet as well). I'm really excited to learn how to make vegan cheese as cheese is one of the few things I miss. Due to my chronic sinus/allergy issue I really need to have a cheese alternative - dairy reeks havoc on mucus (basically it causes you to create more - blech!).

After taking another anti-inflammatory and doing light stretching and using a heating pad off and on, my back feels much better.


4:00 I was going to have crackers and hummus, but I only had two crackers, I ate that and then had some whole, raw almonds and walnuts.


After work, I went for a 45 minute power walk through downtown Dallas. It was so freakin' windy! Which was kind of good since it made the walk an even better workout. I did dry brushing before a hot shower and got ready to make dinner.

Dinner was awesome! I made lentil soup, salad, and one of the quinoa recipes. My boyfriend came over to eat with me and loved it all. Proof that one doesn't have to be all or nothing when it comes to food. He is not a vegetarian but enjoys all kinds of food. He had never had quinoa (nor heard of it) before and he devoured it, along with everything else. We topped the meal off with some dark chocolate that had hazelnuts and currents in it. So yummy! My new fav! The only bad thing was that we ate kind of late (for me)...we didn't get started until a little after 8:00. Hopefully I was mostly digested before going to bed. :) Did meditation before bed as usual. I guess I'm halfway through the cleanse now! I think I'll end today like I began it...with a big Wow!

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