Sunday, February 27, 2011

Day 14


Ahhhh sleep! What joy! I slept until nearly 9:00 today! A month ago I would've considered this pretty early for a Sunday. Now it's sleeping in. :) I did a guided meditation after lemon water and morning pages. I seem to do better with guided meditations than when I do them on my own...maybe that's just how it is for newbies. Without some guidance, I still have a really hard time not thinking. That's such a foreign concept! I have such an active brain. I'm sure it's exhausted and would love for me to meditate longer...I just have to figure out how to make it work for me. My back is pretty sore from the massage yesterday, which I fully expected. Yoga will feel good today! I'm down another pound - 9 total. So close to breaking into a range that I haven't been in since 2008 and I'm so ready to get there! Today is another juice/smoothie fast day. I'm hoping that will take me there. Although, since it's Oscar night, I will end the fast around 7:00 and have some healthy munchies.

Two days in a row now, Kris Carr has been in my head! I have the urge to purge and have that planned for today. No, not throw up kind of purge, clean out every closet, cabinet, drawer kind of purge. When I read about Day 14 in CSD this morning, that's exactly what she proposed! Kinda freaky! She did that to me yesterday too.


Wow! I worked hard all day cleaning house and purging. I have 7 bags of stuff to donate now! My back and neck are so sore. Hot bath and stretching were a must.

At the beginning of the Oscars I had some yellow corn tortilla chips (found some baked, organic ones)...I didn't know that corn chips were cool to have on the moderation of course. I had these with some fresh pineapple salsa from Whole Foods. Oh so yummy!

Around late afternoon I started getting a headache that worsened throughout the evening. Not as bad as many headaches I've had in the past, but nothing I took seemed to get rid of it. Maybe it's a detox headache. I had a few little breakouts on my face over the weekend too...maybe it's all just detox related. Didn't meditate before bed due to the headache and staying up to watch the Oscars.

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