Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Day 9

February 22, 2011


I woke up at 12:30 last night thinking it was almost time to get up. :) I had to pee like crazy! As soon as I crawled back in bed, excited to get back to sleep, the dog upstairs started going crazy. The weird thing is the dog only seems to bark late at night, when the owner is home and on weeknights. And it doesn't sound like a playful bark, it sounds pissed off. I still haven't gotten any ear plugs yet...maybe I'll do that today at lunch. Luckily, the barking didn't last too long and I fell back asleep.
I got up at 6:15 and was still feeling "backed-up". After my lemon/cayenne water and morning pages, I consulted the CSD book and sure enough the notes for Day 9 said I would probably be feeling constipated. Apparently the juice fast day gets the gunk moving, but not all the way. Lovely! Time to get real - time for a natural enema (just distilled water). I know they're creepy but you gotta do what you gotta do, and I need some relief, so that's my big plan for tonight. I know, I know, ladies aren't supposed to poop or pass gas or burp (or apparently be human), but the fact is, we do...grow up and get over it. I want that shit out of me! :) Kris suggested something called Nature's Calm. Love the name! Must do some research on that today. I'm assuming it's just a natural laxative. Now back to our regularly scheduled program...

Meditation - check
Neti pot - check
Dry brushing - saving for tonight before a bath (I like that combination)
Green juice - check

I added an apple to my morning routine to have something to munch on. Apples are a little piece of heaven to me! Decaf tea throughout the morning including a ginger tea that's good for digestion.

I'm not really experiencing any true detox symptoms - headaches, breakouts, etc...does that mean I wasn't as toxic as I thought? Or even more toxic and it hasn't had time to release yet? My face is a bit shiny...maybe that's something. I hope it doesn't all hit at once! From what I've read, I'm past the hardest part but could still experience some detox symptoms. Guess we'll see!

Dammit! I forgot to take my digestive enzyme before eating. I took it in the middle of lunch anyway. Another fabulous salad for lunch today...I only had a little bit of quinoa left so I also had some celery and crackers dipped into guacamole. Wholly Guacamole makes these awesome 100 calorie snack packs with all natural ingredients. So tasty! Unless your on a really strict low-fat diet for health reasons, such as pancreatitis, there's no reason to cut out good fats, which avocados are. Of course, limit these, but don't be afraid of them. They actually help you better eliminate all fats and they're essential to your brain. Carrots and/or celery dipped in guacamole is a great snack, whether you're on a cleanse or not. Yummy, filling and healthy! Hard to beat that.

I ran to Walgreens at lunch and returned with Magnesium Citrate (a natural laxative used before a colonoscopy...may not need the enema now) and ear plugs! I also picked up some liquid Vit B12. They come in little bottles like 5 hour energy now. I may be crazy, but I'm taking a couple of sips of the MC here at work...not much, just a small amount. :) Here's hoping!


No action with the MC yet, but I only had a little at work. I wonder how soon I can have some after eating... had a wonderful dinner! I made gluten free angel hair pasta with olive oil, covered by fresh garlic, tomatoes, basil, a couple of squeezes of lemon, and topped it off with lemon zest, Celtic sea salt and ground black pepper. For a beautiful side, I made red and green bell peppers and onion sauteed in a bit of olive oil and garlic. I topped this with Celtic sea salt and ground pepper as well. Didn't cook this very long or very high in temp, in order to retain the nutrients of the veggies. Since I'm technically supposed to be finished eating three hours before I go to bed, I thought it best to come home and start cooking ASAP. I managed to finish eating by just after 7:00, so that worked out well.

My body is pretty sore from the power yoga yesterday, especially my back...wait no, it's everything. So, I did a round of dry brushing and took a long, hot, lavender epsom salt bath, and finally finished reading CSD. (I also drank the rest of the MC bottle.) After preparing my food for tomorrow, cleaning the kitchen and doing the neti pot I have to say I'm pretty darn tired. Going to do some stretching since I skipped yoga tonight, meditate and go to bed. Hope I don't need the ear plugs I bought, but if I do, I sure hope they do the trick.

Green dreams! Peace out.


  1. Jenn, I am loving these posts. Mostly because when I read it...I hear your voice talking "Dammit! I forgot to take my digestive enzyme before eating." - you are such a great writer!!! :) :) Keep up the fantabulous work miss thaaaaaaaaang. You are inspiring me!! I bought a juicer last night!

  2. Thanks Haley! That's so awesome that you bought a juicer. I have several juicing books if you want to borrow...full of recipes!
