Friday, February 25, 2011

Day 12


Frustration station! The scale is evil! It says I've gained 3 pounds! 3 pounds in 1 day! How is that possible?! Even in my most gluttonous state, I never gained that much in one day! It's so much for such a short time (and I don't look any different), that it makes me think it's water retention and/or a sign of being "backed up"...I haven't had much action in that area in a couple of days. That better be all it is. It was so disappointing to see that this morning. :( I'm trying not to be obsessive about it, as I know that does no good, but it's hard not to let it get to me. Also, I must remember that the primary reason I'm doing this cleanse is health, weight is secondary, and it's still a total of 4 lbs in less than 2 weeks.

Followed my normal morning routine after bitching and moaning about the weight in my morning pages. I love them for just that reason. It's a great place to whine! Apparently this is too today! Sorry! :)


I was going to bring left-over lentil soup from last night with my salad to work today, but after the encounter with the scale this morning, I made the salad a bit bigger, added some chickpeas and left the soup at home. Just finished salad and 3 bites of dark chocolate.

I just realized I haven't taken my sinus/allergy pill all week! I can't remember the last time I did that...not sure I've ever done that. That's pretty freakin' awesome! Maybe that will make up for the weight... :)


Yoga after back is feeling much better. I didn't even take an anti-inflammatory today. Still pretty tight, but luckily I have a massage scheduled for 9:00 a.m. tomorrow - can't wait!

Dinner - made a creamy, avocado based dressing to have with some raw veggies and my CSD quinoa. I realized I had some decaf coffee, so after a hot bath, I made some with 3 bites of dark chocolate. I've never had much of a sweet tooth, but having the dark chocolate feels like an indulgence that reminds me that I'm not depriving myself of anything.

I started reading The China Study before my evening routine and is a MUST read. It's considered the most comprehensive nutrition/health research ever conducted. It contains multiple research efforts that spanned over 40 years! And it's all conclusive - we can actually prevent and reverse disease...with a plant-based diet. It's really cool because he's not preachy, he simply states the findings of decades of research. What's really interesting is that he (Dr. Campbell, renowned scientist) grew up on a dairy farm and spent the early part of his career trying to prove the benefits of animal protein...he was absolutely startled by his findings...that's part of why he continued the research for so long. To me, it's empowering - maybe the most empowering information we'll ever have. I won't go on and on (even though I'm so excited and passionate about this topic!), but I will tell you one really interesting statistic regarding our flailing health care system - physician error, medication error and adverse events from drugs or surgery kill 225, 400 people per year (as of telling what it is now!). That makes our health care system the THIRD leading cause of death in the United States, behind only cancer and heart disease. (National Vital Statistics Reports 50(16), 2002) Personally, I'd rather take my chances with me taking care of myself and stay out of the health care system as much as possible!

Green dreams!

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