Thursday, February 17, 2011

Day 4

February 17, 2011


I slept pretty well last night, but I did NOT want to get up this morning! Didn’t get out of bed until 6:15 (notice it’s increased by 5 minute increments each day?)…can’t go past that though! There’s too much to do in the a.m. to lose more than 15 minutes. So, now I know I can get up anywhere from 6:00 to 6:15 and still get everything accomplished. I’m seriously considering investing in one of those lamps that comes on slowly over 30 minutes until it’s at its brightest, and setting it to start at 5:30. I think that would help this former night owl have an easier time waking up.

Down the list I went -

-lemon/cayenne water

-morning pages

-10 mins meditation

-neti pot

-get ready – including dry brushing (sometime I use loofah gloves so both hands can get involved…it’s almost fun now)

-no new weight loss – still down 4 lbs and I’m happy with that, but ready to shed more, especially from my tummy!

-juice – back to the green juice. Let’s “talk” about the green juice for a minute…I know most people cringe at the thought of it, but here’s my perspective – First and foremost, I’ve tried several and the one in CSD is much more palatable than most. My theory is because of the two cucumbers, two pears and the bit of ginger. (It also contains kale, romaine lettuce, celery, broccoli stems and I add sprouts and dandelion.) It does take some getting used to, but didn’t your first beer? That wasn’t good…it didn’t become good until a taste for it was acquired. I’m actually getting pretty used to the green juice and I look forward to it, mainly because I know what it’s doing for my body, but also because it’s refreshing. I picture all my organs smiling as I pour it down my pie hole (now green juice hole!), where in past I imagine they were angry with me for quite a while and then more recently, most likely were just sad and wondering why I treated them so poorly. :(

-Throughout the morning – green tea (1 cup caff) and lots of water as usual (a tsp of aloe vera juice in one of my water glasses). My stomach didn’t growl at all until after 11:00 (an hour later than the last three days).


12:30 – You guessed it – an awesome, homemade salad, with a tiny bit of quinoa/chickpea leftovers and some gluten-free crackers with hummus. Ah yeah…hummus!


Didn’t even feel the need for a snack until 4:15! - Had the remaining 16 oz of my green juice. At 5:00, I had 12 raw nuts (almonds and walnuts)…needed a little something for my yoga workout.


Yoga after am I tight! And sore as well, after only one day. So pathetic! I love my Rodney Yee videos though...can't wait to get back to the power yoga one. I highly recommend his videos if you can't afford a yoga studio or are nervous about taking a class, whether due to lack of experience, tightness or the dreaded farting scenario. However, if you've never done yoga, I would suggest starting with a class to ensure you learn the proper technique.

Dinner was a trip to Whole Foods with my man. His plan was to take me to the Raw Bar, which is no longer. So, we created meals from the huge salad bars and took them home. I got several different veggie dishes and some cilantro pesto tofu (one of my WF's favs). We each had 3 little squares of Green & Blacks organic dark chocolate (with 70% cocoa) for dessert. So yummy and so good for the body!

Another round of dry brushing (with the loffah gloves) before a hot bath. I think I'm starting to get addicted to dry brushing. :)

Did my 10 minutes of evening meditation...still having a hard time slowing/focusing my mind, which I know is all the more reason I will benefit from it, but it's frustrating to have such a busy mind.

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