Sunday, February 20, 2011

Day 7

February 20, 2011

Today is juice fast day!


I went to bed a little before 11:00 last night and went to sleep fairly quickly, which is amazing for me! I owe it all to the breathing/meditation last night. I still can't get over that! I got up at 8:00 this morning and had my lemon/cayenne water and wrote my morning pages. Then I did a 20 minute guided meditation. Next I did a series of yoga routines (all in all about 50 minutes). Still tight, but feeling a bit stronger. Trying to patient with myself, but I'm so ready to get stronger and more flexible. After yoga I made my beet/apple juice because I'm out of a lot of my green ingredients. Trip to Whole Foods to get stocked up for today and the upcoming week...I'm going to be buying a crapload of green veggies! :)

While at Whole Foods I spent quite a bit of time in the supplements section...but this time looking for new face/body products - lotions, soaps, etc. Last night I read the section in CSD regarding what we put on our bodies. I've often been concerned with what I put in my body, but not on. The skin is our biggest organ and whatever we put on it, it absorbs, so why have I never thought to check the ingredients of the skin care products I use?! I cleaned out the medicine cabinet and shower and did some major replacing today. There are so many natural products available now, it's fun to pick and choose your favs. I've never been into perfume (most of it doesn't really smell good to me and is overwhelming), but I have worn a fruity body spray for quite a while...but it has officially been replaced with essential oils. Primarily lavender...but I may get something like orange or lemon as well. I love lavender! So, I spent a portion of my morning stocking up on healthy, skin care products as well as green veggies.

Lunch was around noon - 16 oz of green juice.

I was pretty busy cleaning and doing laundry and such today, so I never really had time to get hungry. I just made sure that every few hours that I had some green juice. I also had my 2 oz shot of chlorophyll, aka wheatgrass. After reviewing the info in the book, I didn't have as much juice today as suggested, but I feel fine. I'm actually pretty energetic (especially my mind!). I made a veggie soup with cilantro to have for the next couple of days.

Did dry brushing once, neti pot again in the evening as well as meditation and basically read and wrote throughout the evening. Wonder of wonders - the only time I turned on my TV the entire day was to do my yoga video. It's amazing what you can accomplish when you leave the big black box off! I'm not sure I've ever been this productive on a Sunday.
I feel pretty selfish, but I guess I'm going to allow myself to be and hope those around me will understand. (After all it's only 21 days out of years...) I really need this and I think it's best if I not put myself in situations that are not only tempting, but trigger reactive behaviors still lingering. I'm hoping by the end of the cleanse, bad habits won't be as tempting as they once were.

As Kris says, Peace and Veggies!

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