Thursday, February 17, 2011

Day 2

February 15, 2011


I didn’t sleep as well as I would’ve liked, especially since I was so tired when I went to bed last night. I kept waking up in the middle of the night, kind of sweaty. Gross! Not full-on night sweats, but just a little sweaty. When I finally did get up (at 6:05), I was very tired. On a normal day, I would NOT have gotten up, but I can proudly say that I did today. I perked up a bit when I weighed and saw that I lost 3 pounds (from yesterday)! I’m sure it’s mostly water weight, but I don’t care…it made me feel like I’m heading in the right direction. I fixed my lemon, cayenne water and then proceeded to write my morning pages, which went a bit slower than usual. Next I did 10 minutes of meditation (had a really hard time with a wandering mind this go-around). Had my beet, apple juice while getting ready, which included something I forgot yesterday – dry-brushing. Heard of it? It’s a great way to loosen dead skin cells as well as awaken your lymph system (which helps builds your immunity). But most importantly, it reduces cellulite! I’ve done this before, but as is par for course, haven’t been consistent. It’s kind of an interesting sensation. You start at your toes and work your way up going in circles (very softly in sensitive areas). Man, the back of my legs need this more than I care to admit. Blech!

After that I made the vat (well, it feels like that much!) of green juice. I need two new bottles to carry this to work in, with 16 oz in each. My current bottle is 24 oz with a very unsecure lid. (I’m leaving green splotches everywhere I go.) I poured the rest, which was still a bit more than 32 total ounces, into my Wonder Woman mug (appropriate, right?!) and sipped that on the way to work, finishing it off at work. Shortly afterwards, I had a cup of Chai tea and later in the morning, detox berry herbal tea. I’m going to do my best to follow the “nothing but liquids before lunch” advice. I forgot to take my supplements this morning (Vit B, Vit D, a probiotic and an Omega 3), but that’s okay, I’ll take them after work. I think I forgot to mention those yesterday…There are actually a couple more supplements that I need to buy…


12:10 - Same lunch as yesterday – yummy salad prepared by yours truly and the quinoa/chickpea grub from Whole Foods. A piece of gum makes a pretty good dessert (since I don’t have much of a sweet tooth). However, I’m allowed some dark chocolate in small portions if needed. I keep some at work and at home just in case. I’ve decided I’m going to create a checklist as I realized that I forgot to use my neti pot this morning. I can do it tonight, but I still think it would be easier if I had a check list…besides I’m a Virgo…we thrive on checklists!


3:00 pm – 16 oz of green juice (this time with only a heaping tsp of wheatgrass powder…better make it a small teaspoon tomorrow…or better yet, maybe Whole Foods will have some actual wheatgrass when I go by after work). Also, had 3 gluten-free crackers, and about an hour later 8-10 almonds/walnuts.
Still a little tired but not falling-asleep-at-my-desk kind of tired. Also, I’ve had no blood sugar spikes or drops. (I might have failed to mention that I’ve struggled with hypoglycemia pretty much my whole life and have been adamant about eating certain things at certain times to prevent crashing.) So far (and I’ve heard this before), no issues following this kind of diet. That says a lot to me regarding the standard American diet (or SAD as Kris Carr points out…because, let’s face it – it is SAD!)


6:00ish – Homemade cabbage soup with gluten-free crackers, also some hummus and green pepper strips.

-Took supplements

-Meditated 10 minutes before bed

Forgot to do the neti pot… :(

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