Thursday, February 17, 2011


Welcome to my Adventure! (which actually began on 2/14/2011...just didn't have time to create the blog until now)

Here's a little background...

While I’m not suffering from some major disease, I have had a couple of struggles throughout my life that have really made creating new, healthy habits difficult as they both leave me feeling lethargic – depression and sinus/allergy problems. Regarding the latter, I’ve actually had sinus surgery and it helped a lot, but I still have allergy problems that cause my sinuses to get stopped up easily and I take a prescription decongestant/antihistamine pretty much every day (and have for nearly 30 yrs!). Depression…well it just plain sucks. It makes you only want to indulge in vices (especially booze, food and TV). I’m also teetering on the edge of the healthy weight mark for my height, so I’m striving to lose about 15 pounds.
Basically, I’ve been putting my body through the ringer for quite some time and I’ve finally gotten fed up with it enough to do something! What the hell took so long?! Having certain beliefs (regarding wellness) and living opposite of that is soul-sucking. I just can’t do it anymore. Time to let the vices go and create healthy habits that represent who I really am!
After stumbling onto the amazing information presented in a very easy-to-digest and entertaining format by Kris Carr on her website,, I have decided to take action. I ordered her truly inspiring documentary (Crazy Sexy Cancer) about her diagnosis of stage 4 cancer at age 31 and all the lifestyle changes she’s made to keep the cancer in check. She was diagnosed on February 14, 2003. So, as a bit of nod to her I’m starting my Cleanse on Valentine’s Day. Her most recent book, Crazy Sexy Diet, is a comprehensive look at the effects of what we put into our bodies…OMG…eye-freaking-opening! I still haven’t completed the book as I just received it this weekend, but I’ve skimmed all that I haven’t read yet and I’m continuing to read it in depth. There’s a lot that I need no convincing of (the effects of meat, dairy, and sugar, for example), but all the info regarding Ph in the body is fascinating. Science really is sexy!
I’ve made plenty of changes throughout my life, many related to diet, but this cleanse is going to be much more comprehensive than anything I’ve ever done. It’s not just my diet that’s changing – while on the cleanse, I’ll be following Kris’s other guidelines regarding exercise (I’ll be focusing primarily on yoga and walking/running) and meditation as well as using my lovely neti pot on a daily basis. The last two are activities I’ve tried to incorporate into my daily schedule many times before but have never succeeded in being consistent. This time I AM determined to create these habits! I believe in the benefits of meditation 100% yet I don’t do it (the same goes for all of it – the neti pot, exercise, eating well). I’m treating this whole experience like a mandatory lifestyle rehab, and I’ve created this blog and told everyone I know simply so I’ll have to be accountable. Even if no one else truly cares if I succeed, having to report what I’ve done each day and how I feel about it is perfect for my Virgo nature. Let the Adventure begin!

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